Ascension Inferno is my comic project that's very dear to me. Below are some of the characters in the story with very short descriptions. In the future I will add an index of terms in the story, since I haven't actually finished any of the writing or drawing for the comic yet. If you have questions please ask me on my tumblr, thank you!

Leon O'Brien

Leon is a very closed off person, he keeps to himself often and doesn't tell others too much about himself. He was killed by a demon one night and is in the process of becoming one himself.

Nia Williams

Nia is very outgoing and curious, they often will pick up new hobbies out of the blue. They're a big fan of scene fashion. They're a blacksmith's apprentice, and they work with their teacher's handmade "demon blades."

Hae-won Hyun

Hae-won finds interest in medicine, but she doesn't want to commit to going to school for it. She can barely see ghosts, and works as an unliscnesed surgeon for demons and poltergiests.

Ben Rollins

Ben is a very skittish person, but he tries to hide it the best he can. He works in Liza's archives half of the time, the other half he spends in the Subterrane as a food vendor.

Josiah Carroll

Josiah is Leon's mentor, and seemingly has unlimited knowledge of how the demon society works. Despite his friendlier nature than Leon, he refuses to speak about his past as well.

Liza Taylor

Liza is the proprietress of a private archive, and the landlord for the apartments above it. She can see ghosts and is known among the demon community as someone who can help ghosts after they die. She is stern, but wants to be supportive for the students in her building.

Amadeus Wright

Amadeus is Nia's mentor and owner of a blacksmith shop that makes replicas of fictional weapons for custom orders. He also makes actual weapons if anyone connected to Liza orders them. He is a very serious person, and does not like Josiah.
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