

This site currently does not have full support for screen readers. If you have any accessibility concerns about my site, please let me know! I'm working on adding image descriptions to all the images I've put on here but it's slow going. Sorry about that.

If you see information that doesn't seem like it's from me, and it's not sourced, let me know! I'm trying to make sure I cite everything on here.


Hi, I'm currently busy with school work so I haven't had time to update my site :,( I have until mid-may I think and then I've got summer break for a month!! :D so hopefully i'll be able to come back and write more reviews and fics :P

This site is under construction!


Have you seen me online?


I play on the world Pheonix (European server) as Cathal Noigiallach! I main monk and mostly run around being goofy. If you can find my apartment in Lily Hills, please visit! I had fun making it, I'd love visitors.

On Project Sekai?

I play on the global server, my username is #EMUSWEEP and my lead is usually Emu lol.
I'm in the server R8SS for tiering help! I try and fill for some events (especially when my friends are tiering) but I tier Emu and Kohane events!

On Splatoon 3?

My username on Splat3 is
☆Skullスカル☆ and I'm a dapple-dualies main! I usually only play whenever my FFXIV sub runs out or if I'm not pre-occupied doing other things. I barely ever play during chill season, lol. Sorry for flanking if you're in a team against me, I won't stop though.