Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli - Banpresto DX - Review

Gyro - I like this guy! He’s definitely more dynamic than your average anime figure which is fun but his pose feels super normal compared to Johnny’s. His paint job’s also not as well done in my opinion, it’s all flats as far as I can tell, but credit where it’s due they’re place well and I haven’t noticed any misprints yet lol. The one con about him is that he’s hard to dust because of his cape. It come’s off but there’s so many nooks and crannies on it.

Johnny - Saw a photo of this figure shortly after reading SBR and immediately was in love with it. What a ridiculous pose, what a nonplussed expression! This color palette of Johnny’s happens to be my favorite too, so I knew I was gonna have to hunt him down eventually. And I did! I got both of them off E-Bay for ~60$ each. One thing to note about this figure is it’s really hard to find photos of his back online? I had no idea he had that swirl on his back until I was holding him and let me tell you it blew my mind! Over all it’s such a dynamic (and silly) figure I ended up posing him in a few different ways including on his side and backwards. He’s also able to support himself without the stand (Gyro isn’t so lucky) so he can just hang out wherever, like in the first photo on this post.

I got both of these guys about a year ago but I haven’t posted about them yet since I hadn’t taken any photos.

Overall I think she’s a cool figure! For the most part I like her pose and expression but just wish it was all rendered slightly differently (see my comments about how the p5 girl figures are all a little creepy from earlier). The paint work is nice with no noticeable issues or misprints. Her face is printed very crisply and looks neat, although I wish there was some more blushing since the face is where people look by default.
She works pretty well displayed from any angle, but naturally works best displayed front facing, and easily the worst angle (again, in part because it is Weird to me) is the back. It’s mostly hair, which while sculpted nicely, isn’t super interesting to look at.

Final Thoughts
Love these guys, their poses are so cool and delightful. My one single complaint is Gyro is kind of unstable and will wiggle around if you're moving a lot on the same floor as him. Or maybe my new figure shelf is unstable. Either way I can use him to detect a small-scale earthquake if one ever hits over here.

Do I recommend this figure?
Yes 100%. I love Johnny's pose and he does have to come with Gyro, do not seperate them, ok?

Material and scale information source: